Someone once said that a half of a mother is better than none at all. In other words, if your mother is sick, disable or bedridden, you must cherish and love her. Take good care of her because the day you lose her you will realize that you have lost a treasure. The burden is even greater if she had been a caring and loving mother. Well, I have lost a very good mother and I intend to keep her memory alive.
Feel free to send your views and chat about things concerning 'the loss of a mother'. Let us remember our mothers in a happy way.
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ReplyDeleteI will check it out
ReplyDeleteI feel your pin and this is a wonderful idea in creating a blog to kepyour Beloved Mother's memory alive. Chrihing these wonderful memories is a great way of expressing love and coping with this loss. She is always with you, living through your memory. I will pray for you..