A Home Can Be Beautiful

To have a beautiful home does not have to have a wonderful location, a panoramic view, an elaborate entrance, or fine landscaping.  It can be a modest apartment in town or a humble cottage in the country and still be lovelier than a royal palace.  It does not not have to boast expensive draperies, deep-piled carpets, or the latest electrical appliances.  Its furniture can all be hand-me-downs, or items picked up at a secondhand stores.  Chrome, tiling, and stonework may all be absent.  Yet it can possess a holy radiance beyond description.  This I have experienced with my mother.  For me, it was a humble home in the country and it was lovelier than a royal palace because it was manifested with harmony in God's love and I was fortunate to be also in the company of my grandmother and a host of cousins.  I remembered these precious words hanging on the wall:
"Christ is the Head of This House, 
The unseen Guest of Every Meal,
The Silent Listener to Every Conversation."
Therefore, God will be remembered last thing each night, when you lie down and first thing in the morning, when you rise.  Every home would be more beautiful with such a program.
Oh, I miss those days,  I miss my grandmother,  and I truly miss my mother.  Thank you ladies for a proper upbringing.  May your souls continue to rest in peace.

A Mother To The Other Mothers' Children

 My mother worked at a Dare Care Centre and there were times when she had to take home some of the children  because for whatever reason, the parents and guardians of the children were late in picking them up.  My dear mother, God bless her soul, had a double work to do because each evening she would have to come home and cook for her children and the children she brought home had to partake of our food.  She then saw to it that we did our homework, do our evening chores and we all sat together waiting for the arrival of these parents who were so late.  It was later in life, I wondered how she managed seeing us off to school in the mornings then went to work to take care of over twenty children and then came home in the evenings to take care of her five children  including those she took home.  Can you believe that there was never a time I saw my mother got angry at any of the parents?  It was amazing to watch her as they gave her the reasons why they were so late.  There was always this understanding look followed by a smile.  These children, who are now adults, respected her so much and refer to her as their aunt.  There were those who came back to look for her after many years. Now talk about the strength of a woman, the love of a mother.  That was why it was so hard for me to watch her day by day as diabetes took over her whole life which restricted her movement and took away her strength, and finally her life.
Keep resting my mother, you are now safe in the arms of Jesus.

The Strength Of One Woman
© Glorimar Fontanez
She played a different role in all our lives, a mother, a sister, and a grandmother, no matter what the love we have for her is one, ask anyone they'll tell you the same, she brought us joy when we had pain , the strength and love of one women held all of us together even more now then ever, she isn't physically here but we still feel her near in every step we take and every move we make, what she's giving to us no one can ever replace.
The Strength Of One Woman by
Glorimar Fontanez Dying Poems

Love In A Song

© Robert Charles Froste
Don't shed a tear or begin to
whimper, through the wind,
I am the endless whisper.

I lift the birds and push the waves,
fall to you in pouring rains.

I am forever with love and time,
close your eyes I'm not hard to find.
Love In A Song by Robert Charles Froste
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