In Memory Of A Dear Mother

In memory of a dear mother, my mother, my beautiful mother, I still think about you.  Every day I think about you.  I see you everywhere! I see you in my aunts, my sister and in my nieces, yet still the loss of a mother is evident.  My mourning is over and all that is left is fulfilled memories.  Memories that I will cherish until the day I die.

A lot seemed to happen in April for you.  You were born in April, you have a daughter who was born in April, you died in April and buried in April.  April is a month that will ever stand out in my mind and then there is May, the month in which we celebrate mother's day and child's month as well as two of yours sons were born in that month.  I will ever remember you also in the month of January, as one of your sons was born that month and of course October when one of your daughters was born that month.  Oh yes, and December, when you baked those delicious Christmas cakes and made some delicious sorrel drink as well as the magnificent fellowship on Christmas day.

As for the rest of months, February, March, June, July, August and September you are still remembered.

In memory of a dear mother: From a loving daughter.
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